Upcoming Data and Analytics, Data Management, and Data Science Events
Great Data Mind's events are intended to teach you everything you need to know about the ever-changing world of data and analytics. We offer events around data analytics and data visualization, trends, methodologies and more, from basic concepts and best practices to hands-on learning and brainstorming. Join us to stay in the know about what's what in the dynamic industry of data.
3rd Annual Technology Matters Marathon!
OnlineTechnology DOES matter. Please join us for the day, or drop in for a single session to experience some of the best-in-class solutions.
DataRobot Deep Dive Armchair Analytics Event
OnlineIn this multi-week program, you will receive an extended free trial of DataRobot, the best-in-class Artificial Intelligence Cloud Platform.
Privitar – Technology Deep Dive
OnlineWe are proud to present a deep dive with Privitar, the go-to experts in modern data provisioning and responsible data use.
4th Annual Technology Matters Marathon
OnlineWe fully believe that the technology you choose for your company DOES matter. But who can keep up with what's new and what's right for your organization? We have set up the 4th annual Technology Matters Marathon to help you do just this. Join us for the day or drop in for your choice of sessions to experience some of today's best technology.